I believe in God and I believe Jesus died for our sins. I am a Christian. I didn’t grow up in a religious home. Yes, we we re Christian, but we didn’t talk about God or Jesus or go to church on Sundays. I didn’t know the Bible by heart, I couldn't even name you more then 3 of the books. Funnily enough, when I was young and acting up my mom would threaten me by saying I had to go to Wednesday night church. Religion was just not a factor in my life until middle school. My best friend at the time went to Fuse, a Wednesday night youth ministry, and invited me to go. I went and it was fun, I sang to songs, played games but it wasn’t much more then an event to me. After continuously going, I started actually listening to the sermons and not just enduring them; I got saved and baptized. I don’t have the date memorized or remember exactly how it happened because it was so long ago and I don’t think I realized the full significance of it. Not meaning I didn’t truely believ...
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